1.9.7 Crashing


I upgraded my oQueue to newest release yesterday, and my wow kept crashing.. If i reverted back to 1.9.5 the crashes stopped.. Anyone got the same issue, and know how to fix it?

Exact same thing, disabled oqueue and game works just fine. A quick fix on this would be much appreciated =]

Edited: Just spoke to my friend who is also having the same problem, yet another friend's is working just fine (so envious! lol). Any idea why it's only affected a select few of us?


to be exact... does your wow CRASH, which means you're back on the desktop, or do you get a Lua error in oQueue?

addons cannot crash the client. only the client can crash the client.

in this context, the only crash i've seen that can be related to oQueue is if you have 98+ battle.net friends. this bug has been reported to blizz, 2+ years ago.

when you log in, type this:

/script print( BNGetNumFriends() ) ;

the first number returned is the total number of b.net friends you have. if it's 98+ ... immediately remove a few

when i start wow, it instantly goes "client is not responding" and it shuts down.. i currently have 78 bnet friends, so thats not the issue either.. and no LUA errors showing.

For me WoW just stops responding (screen is not updated, only some sounds remain) and stays in that state forever; then I need to press Ctrl+Alt+Del and kill Wow-64.exe from the Task Manager.

There is also a conflict with the BasicChatMods addon — if that addon is enabled together with the new oQueue, WoW stops responding immediately after entering the world. I disabled that addon, and oQueue seemed to work for some time, then I got lockups at apparently random moments while the raid group was gathering (the last chat message I saw was “xxx joined the raid group”).

try disabling all addons except oQueue and see if you have any issues. if you don't, then it's a conflict with another addon

My wow worked for a while after the 1.9.7 update, joined 2 raids in it and after we killed garrosh and hs'd back wow kept freezing as described above, tried different zones but still kept freezing, i disabled only OQ and it stopped freezing, pls test better before releasing updates

i won't be testing against every combination of addons.

how about you disable all your addons and see if you still have the problem.

I have the same problem. I disabled every other addon and game just freezes and all I can do is alt+F4.

When i disable oQ game works fine. Now I can't even reinstal older version...

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