1.9.7 Crashing

My eject me play all the time the version 1.9.7b. When installing earlier versions (1.9.5) will not let me enter any game, as not updated. WTF !!!!

SOLUTIONS NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@drakenon are you US or EU?

so far, it seems to be EU specific. are you using the battle.net client? what operating system/patch level?

I'm in UE.

stops working with the client without the client. I have windows 7 Ultimate SP1.

so the question is... what's going on in the EU that freezes the wow client

this started as of yesterday at about 4 or 5am. (Spanish Watch)

There is someone from US in the page before reporting the error. I sent you a pm with the file.

to me nothing comes

I have the same problem, took me a whole day to try with include / exclude addons to verify it is oqueue. Im rrunning wow on iMac latest OS X. After Login with any char, some more or less messages from addons appear, on time i had a chat message come in, but then my mouse cursor turn into cyrcle, CPU goes up an i have to close wow manually, otherwise it does not end. Go back to 1.9.5a and everything runs ok.

I have deleted my savedVariables file and aparently it is steady. BugGrabber doesn't capture anything and my client didn't freeze for a while. I will keep reporting.

Hi, as maqjav explains in his post, I've deleted the SavedVariables file and it's backup file:

wow/wtf/account/(acct name)/SavedVariables.lua

wow/wtf/account/(acct name)/SavedVariables.lua.bak

After that it's been working properly for a while now, hope this solves issues for now :)

tiny, do you want this files to be sent to you?

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