1.9.7 Crashing

30Mbps/10Mbps and performing at rated (if crappy) speed.

30/10 is all i've got. wow doesn't use that much data, even with oQueue at max levels.

maybe i should put a bytes/sec concept in with the pkts/sec

tiny it seems to work with the last patch, it didn't crash since yesterday with the previous version. I hope this is it.

Thanks for your help, and thanks to sigprof for debugging the addon.

it's holding strong for you guys? excellent

no idea why b.net would stop returning the realm info. definitely a new one.

if all is still good by tomorrow, i'll push 1.9.8 and the scorekeeper will announce so everyone will know to grab the update.

Will 1.9.8 include updating roles in raids again? This is one feature I def miss when I go to do Ordos for the week lol

what do you mean by 'updating roles'? your role should still auto set upon entering a group if you have it checked on.

is it not working?

Ok let me clarify because maybe it is partially broken but I wouldn't know.

I join Ordos groups via Bliz's "other raids" function. Once I am invited, it used to ALWAYS update my role when I joined. It also used to update for things I joined via OQ like isle farming groups, boss world tours, etc. That stopped working at some point (not sure which patch).

I do not join raids via OQ so I couldn't testify if it is working there or not. Although later probably I am going to find some rep/charm farming groups via OQ and can see then.

I only use recount besides OQ so there shouldn't be any conflicts there.

I hope this makes sense. lol

I just joined an OQ ordos group to test it out, still not working. I am on 1.9.7b

@ Warlockjen 1.9.7C is under downloads go get it then it should work fine works for me :)

@ Warlockjen 1.9.7C is under downloads go get it then it should work fine works for me :)

I was aware of the patch, it has been broken for weeks (read: MANY patches) now. I went and got it anyways and still broken.

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