
oQ grab your progress from armory I think. So if Blizzard do it for your alts in armory then oQ will show it...


Anyway you can't set heroic mode on alts which not kill Garrosh in normal...

@tiny, he in previous thread linked pic where he has 13/14 25hc lockout and trying to queue in 13/14 10nm lockout and get error. There smth wrong ;)

Interesting. Try to queue in 25ppl. May be the new lockout system won't you get in cause you in 25-man and they going in 10-man. Just try if you can and report what you will get ;)

Please, stop flaming with threads and update your oQ ><

Go to \wow\WTF\ and open '' by notepad.

Find strings - SET realmName "yourrealmname"

Delete whole string.

Go check in-game again. WoW should be shutdown before edit this file.

I miss you but to be more clear. You don't see message about thing that you need updated oQ when you updated or don't see premades info in chat after update? ~_~'

What your version in oQ windows when it popup?

If it different from 1.7.9c then:

> delete (backup it, if you wanna) whole 'oqueue' folder in \wow\addons\interface\

> download new one

> unpack in to somewhere

> check that you unpack 'oqueue' folder not in another one folder (e.g. in unpacked one must be .lua files and some folders)

> move it to your \wow\addons\interface\ folder

> check again in game

Of course, I recommend do it when your wow.exe shutdown.

If this not help you, please, provide info about what version did you see.

@tiny no, he is not, as he say ;)

As I say its some wierdo stuff w/ system. Removing friends is helping to resolve problem.

tiny, hello. I got it when update to 1.9.6 but found a solution for myself. I don't really thought that it was oQ, btw.

Its appear in 'peaks' time and if you I have a lot (~15+) friends by pressing find mesh. Client complete frozen when log in char and recieved 1st messages w/ premade, for any characters at any realm.

My PC is 7 year old (yes, it is and I still can play on it ;) ). What do I do to fix - I clear friends list by myself a-a-a-and that it. I has no freeze for now.

So I believe system start be complete retarded to players. Why? I see perfomance drop when got a lot friends, even if oQ turn off (not loaded).

If you see message that "not qualified" - that meen that rl of premade check some classes and role that they NEED MORE then other. I got this message for my 575 bdk when try to kill some time in flex, lol. They need 1 tank and "not qualified" :D
Hello. Check 'Auto Join OQGENERAL' in settings tab of oQ. It must be on, otherwise you should have a lot of b-tag meshs for see premades. If it check, then unbox it, and then again check it. Then do /reload. For be more clear, press 'find mesh'. It will request six (6) b-tag mesh and you can see some premades.

Warlockjen, you was a bitter sooner :c Still, cheers for help mate ;)
Do you press 'Find Mesh' or 'Wait List' button? Well, anyway, in settings tab of oQ, you can find 'AutoAccept Mesh Req' or smth like that. Check this box and do /reload. Sometimes this happens to me too, BUT ONLY IF I PRESS req.mesh and logout.