oqueue download wont work

Ive tried downloading oq 1.9.7 (the one available on the downloads page) several times now and everytime i exit my wow game and re open it my oq still says that this patch is required. So something is going wrong during the time of the download i guess. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong or another way to go about doing this?

What your version in oQ windows when it popup?

If it different from 1.7.9c then:

> delete (backup it, if you wanna) whole 'oqueue' folder in \wow\addons\interface\

> download new one http://solidice.com/downloads/world-of-warcraft/oqueue

> unpack in to somewhere

> check that you unpack 'oqueue' folder not in another one folder (e.g. in unpacked one must be .lua files and some folders)

> move it to your \wow\addons\interface\ folder

> check again in game

Of course, I recommend do it when your wow.exe shutdown.

If this not help you, please, provide info about what version did you see.

the majority of the time, the issue is installing to the wrong folder.

if you're on windows, you could try using icebox. check downloads/windows/icebox

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