no premades are showing

Just installed WoW and oQueue on a laptop no premades are showing. It behaves as if I'm filtering them out, or I'm not qualified, but that seems unlikely.
What Can I do?
On the "find premade" tab, try hitting "find mesh" on bottom right. The scorekeeper should connect you with 1-3 other players which should improve your connection (if that is the problem).
Hello. Check 'Auto Join OQGENERAL' in settings tab of oQ. It must be on, otherwise you should have a lot of b-tag meshs for see premades. If it check, then unbox it, and then again check it. Then do /reload. For be more clear, press 'find mesh'. It will request six (6) b-tag mesh and you can see some premades.

Warlockjen, you was a bitter sooner :c Still, cheers for help mate ;)
I did everything you have said, but unfortunately I still can not see any premades, I have had this issue for about 6 days and nothing seemed to help so far.

Warlockjen, you was a bitter sooner :c Still, cheers for help mate ;)

Ha ya I think we were responding at about the same time lol
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