
Aye. And it is the only addon that causes it. Looks like lag (similar to high latencies) but both world and home latencies are in the 25ms range (as they always have been). Seems strange, but it did only appear after updating to 2.0.1. When OQ is enabled, it doesn't occur right away - takes about 10-15 minutes before it starts to appear. But after logging out and disabling OQ and logging back in the issue is resolved and doesn't return regardless of how many hours I'm on.

Weird huh?

Memory Leak with OQ 2.0.1?

Not sure if others have noticed this but since upgrading to 2.0.1 I have been seeing a steady increase in the amount of memory OQ is using - and by steady I mean I am sitting in town watching the amount OQ uses gradually increase but never go down. After disabling it, logging back in, then logging out and re-enabling OQ, then logging back in it starts out at around 3MB used and over the course of 10 minutes increased to 4.68MB used. After 30 minutes it climbed to 8.46MB used. When OQ goes over 5MB used I see a lot of stuttering graphics (like there is lag in movement - but latencies remain unchanged) and frame rates drop from ~100fps to around ~60fps (with no other people around me). When logging out and disabling it, then logging back in, the stuttering is resolved and frame rates are back up to ~100

Again, not sure if I am the only one seeing this but I didn't have this issue prior to the update.

Cool beans. I was going to leave you an update that it adds B-Net friends as I am creating a raid and they join, but then they almost immediately drop off the B-Net friends list.

Clicking "Find Mesh" result in nothing happening


This just started occuring for me last night. I have 28 B-Net friends (that I added). I removed all OQ added B-Net friends (was around 10 or so) since they were all offline and clicked "Find Mesh" and it's not added anyone at all. I've tried it on several toons (Alliance and Horde) and on 2 different realms and still... no one is ever added after I click Find Mesh.

Any suggestions on how to go about troubleshooting this or fixing it?