Clicking "Find Mesh" result in nothing happening


This just started occuring for me last night. I have 28 B-Net friends (that I added). I removed all OQ added B-Net friends (was around 10 or so) since they were all offline and clicked "Find Mesh" and it's not added anyone at all. I've tried it on several toons (Alliance and Horde) and on 2 different realms and still... no one is ever added after I click Find Mesh.

Any suggestions on how to go about troubleshooting this or fixing it?
I also am having this problem. I click "Find Mesh" and no friends are added. I seem not be able to see all the available premades as well, as I was in a 40 man premade AV last night on vent, when it ended Rath started his, and everyone else could see it on Oque but I was unable to.

I'll upload a screenshot of my Setup page. It seems to be receiving alright, so Idk what the issue could be. Thanks for any help.

I have the same Problem since Yesterday. Deleted all Data in WTF and deleted alle addes B-Net Friends but nothing happens after klicking on "find mesh"
Same issue as of this morning. At first there would be some premade shows up I waitlisted one then almost all the premade disappear taking me off the waitlist cause it wasn't there anymore. An hours later I wasn't seeing any premade period no matters what actions I take. Nothing like LFM in tradechat. (:
Same issue here. This seems to happen a lot. Usually removing b-tag, going dark, removing all oqueue added btags, disabling oqueue, reloading a few times, and re-enabling oqueue it will start working again (ya, who wants to do all that over and over again?); however, this time it has not. An update or workaround would be fantastic...
The score keeper may be offline - the scorekeepr is the WoW account which acts as the "server", and responds to these find mesh requests.

We keep the scorekeeper running 24/7 - but there is a bug in WoW which causes the scorekeeper to exceed 100 friends - even though we constantly are removing people from its friends list. When the scorekeepr reaches more than 100 friends - the WoW it is running on crashes :(.

Tiny is out of town visiting family - and the scorekeeper is at his house. He should be home later today and we will get back to you asap once we have it up and running.

Thanks for the response RonBurgundy, hopefully that clears it all up. My connection is 144 - 0 and find mesh doesn't add anyone. Hopefully the scorekeeper is just offline!

Cool beans. I was going to leave you an update that it adds B-Net friends as I am creating a raid and they join, but then they almost immediately drop off the B-Net friends list.
the scorekeeper is back up and running now. sorry bout that.
Thank you for the update/info on this. (:
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