
It is working now, thank you!
I'll take your number :)
Having an issue with license, first install in a few years and unable to transfer as I get an error.
Thank you
Thank you for the prompt reply. I wasn't that this was related to my issue since its the first install on a new computer in over a year. When I try to transfer the license I get an error. I'll wait and see what happens once the current problems are resolved. Will we get a notice once everything is up and running?


Unable to transfer/license expired

I purchased Keyclone a few years ago and haven't used it in at least a year. I just installed it on my new computer and when I launch the app I get the message license expired. I try to transfer but get the message
"There was an error while processing your request. Please send an email to keyblone@solidice.com for further instructions"
I tried sending an email noting my issues but it get a no deliver message.

I'm not really sure how I can get this issue resolved. I sent a PM to Tiny regarding this with my license information. Is that the correct thing to do?

Thanks in advance