Unable to transfer/license expired

I purchased Keyclone a few years ago and haven't used it in at least a year. I just installed it on my new computer and when I launch the app I get the message license expired. I try to transfer but get the message
"There was an error while processing your request. Please send an email to keyblone@solidice.com for further instructions"
I tried sending an email noting my issues but it get a no deliver message.

I'm not really sure how I can get this issue resolved. I sent a PM to Tiny regarding this with my license information. Is that the correct thing to do?

Thanks in advance
There are currently issues which are being resolved with the authentication server.

Tiny is actively working to resolve the issue.

Sorry for the inconveneince.
Thank you for the prompt reply. I wasn't that this was related to my issue since its the first install on a new computer in over a year. When I try to transfer the license I get an error. I'll wait and see what happens once the current problems are resolved. Will we get a notice once everything is up and running?

Tiny has been responding to this thready with updates: http://solidice.com/threads/license-has-expired-2

But ill try and make a new thread or post here when its all worked out.
Thank you
Looks like the server might be back up Pudy, give it another try if you can.
It is working now, thank you!
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