
After the recent DDoS attacks on the servers armory is not updating properly. Until armory updates your toon will not be able to be claimed because the gear removed to verify that a toon is yours will not update.

Press and hold shift and it will stop it from updating visually on the screen.
It's your choice if you want to use the addon or not, just like it is their choice when to update. It literally takes me 10 seconds to update. Just like with curse client I have icebox open to check for updates before I first log into WoW. Like it has been stated before you don't even have to exit the WoW client.
How many raffle tickets would be for the 30 day max? I think with something that big that the 30 days would be sufficient for people to be able to build up their tickets.
Is their anyway to make the skype box not show up everytime you login?

Oqueue Suggestion

There has been many times when I want to queue but several different things appear that would allow me to queue for what I want to do but I'm restricted because of the current spec I am in. Any way to also post something about our off spec when we queue? Or have notes listed on our name in the wait list that we fill in. Like I would put Shadow OS 567.
Still same as before Windows 8.1, Windowed. Disabled Oqueue waited for character to load up. Even with oqueue disabled it still stopped working.
So I just decided to install Oqueue and Icebox stopped working as soon as my character loaded up.
So, I had an issue with my game options and addons today (they all reset for some reason), so I decided to just wipe everything out and start over. After a bit I thought why not try icebox see if it works. Right now its working but I only have 2 addons installed and haven't put Oqueue yet but will test it shortly and see if a addon is causing it not to work.
Happy Birthday
Ok, thanks for the response.
Any other updates on this problem? I don't wish to be a bother just don't want to let this thread get forgotten.