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Using Keyclone to run Hyper-V machines.

I have a server which i run Hyper-V on....unfortunately Windows2012 is shit at resource management when it comes to software,
so i wanted to use keyclone to force which cores in my CPU each HyperV machine should run towards using that "core select feature".

Is that possible?

The string i use to start each machine with shortcut is

C:\Windows\System32\vmconnect.exe SRV-SO-A SRV-SO-A1

C:\Windows\System32\vmconnect.exe SRV-SO-A SRV-SO-B1

C:\Windows\System32\vmconnect.exe SRV-SO-A SRV-SO-C1

The last part is the name of the Hyper-V machines.

SRV-SO-A is the name of the HyperV host

Is this possible?



Sounds excessive all that...but happy for you that you fixed it. ^_^


Please humour me and check the screenshots from me above.....are you missing files compared to them like my friend was...?

If so...try unpacking the files not using windows, but with WinZIP or WinRAR.

Are you running on a 32bit or 64bit Operating System?

If you save the file like normal ...and run Win7....or Win8...all you need to do is doubleclick the archive you downloaded...and copy the oqueue folder from the window coming up and into your interface folder...Win7 has a builtin Unzipper...

manually unzipped it he said.

...and copied the oqueue folder to his interface folder.

I use WinRAR for unzipping....not sure if he used windows standard unzip...could have something to say.

...if others like the original poster of this post has same problem...maybe have him check for missing files? your avatar Tiny...XD

Links now works. the first link is my install folder. the second one shows how it looked when my friend unpacked the oqueue folder on his 32bit machine. I got 64bit machine ...not that it matters...

When he tried install the icebox..he got an error because he is using a 32bit machine. :(

for icebox he got the message "not a valid file for win 32 bits"..not sure why...worked fine on my 64bit machine..

I think I found a solution.

A friend downloaded oqueue ...most recent version..when he unpacked and we compared folders..he was missing HALF of the lua-files that should be there.

it should look like this...

The one that did not work looked like this: