
Hi! I was pasting my Oqueue folder instead of my addon folder>I pasted my addon folder and was successful with the new update.I watch your video and realized my mistake.I then tried Icebox and still didn,t see a Wow location at the bottom of the window.I now have 2.0.1 Thanks for your time patience and help.

Ok! I,ll be back later tonight!!Thanks for helping!

My window shows nothing there.The bottom has everything except that.Thanks for that snapshot.I was looking everywhere for something.It has nothing before and after I update.

Its trying to run 0.0.9,

I,m on windows,I,ve downloaded icebox and it shows installed and updated but when I log into wow it still shows 1.9.7

downloading Oque

I,m able to get the new folder into my add on folder.I paste the new file,it goes thru the process of duplicating same files with new ones.What do I do next?

No Premades Solution

Thanks ! I went thru and deleted every Oqueue folder I had and redownloaded.I have premades now.

No premades

I scrolled other posts with the same problem.I did all the suggestions that you offered others.I still have no premades available.I also keep getting WOW message:Addons are experiencing a large number of errors and may be slowing down the game.It reccomends turning on LUA errors in the interface options.

Updated Oqueque

I updated.When I logg into the game,it shows new update,1.9.7.I can open my UI..I,m not getting any messages at all!

Thanks!Do I have to download Icebox each time? How do I bring it up when I want to use it?I have updated Oqueque using Icebox.It hasn,t worked in my game.I get error messages saying I need to update.Thanks for your time and patience!

installing IceBox

I get a window that says Downloading now.Then I get a window that has several options.The options are update all,update,refresh. I click run annnnnnnnnd save.i choose a folder.I view downloads.It shows the download till completion.Then i,m lost,the download shows completion.I look in the folder.I have nothing.Can someone help please!


How do I update Oqueque? Do I have to update manually.I,m having problems downloading Icebox.Yhe downloading window stays on forever.I do get a window that lets me update while I,m downloading Icebox.I update but nothing happens.