
Reported this many times, i give up. They obviously can't solve this bug.

Reported this a few times but it seems that when the programmer can't see it... it does not exist. 5 minutes ago i had this raid conflict for soo normal Garrosh only on 4 different groups. How the hell is this program usefull when it prevents you from raiding?

Raid lockout

Srsly Tiny dude, do you recieve a bonus from Blizzard to prevent progress? Fix the damn bug

Raid lockout...again and again and ... again

Srsly, how hard is it to solve this very anoying problem. After several oqueue upgrades this problem is still there.
very bad bug, still present after 3 updates! Way to go
Still no solution. Lazy programmers
Very anoying!!!! Any solution, patch or update?