Raid Lockout Bug?

Hi, first let me just say thank you for creating oqueue. It has made gearing up my chars that are on dead servers extremely easy and I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into creating this addon.

I have noticed lately though that when I am trying to waitlist for raids I will get a "raid lockout" warning even though I have not killed the boss that I am waitlisting for. Here is a screenshot of savedinstances which uses Blizzard's raid lockout information: and then this is a screenshot of the "raid lockout" warning I received when attempting to waitlist for Malkorok:

Is this a bug or is there a way to get around the raid lockout? I am currently using OQueue version 1.9.7a; while previous versions had the same issue I have found since upgrading to 1.9.7a that I have been unable to queue for a majority of raids that show up, even when I click "qualified" due to this issue. Any assistance with this would be much appreciated and if you need any other information just let me know and I will be more than happy to provide it.

Reported this many times, i give up. They obviously can't solve this bug.

I think this was determined that it was because RL are listing one thing, but being in a different type of raid (Flex/Norm/Heroic versions).

Which was said to be working as intended.

If this isn't the case I am sure more information on the issue would be helpful.

The raid I was queueing for was marked as 10man SoO normal in the settings; as you can see I was clearly not saved to the boss at the time. I'm not sure what other information I can give besides the screenshots, it's basically that when I try to queue for a lot of raids I get the "raid lockout conflict" error regardless of what it's marked as. I understand if it's mislabeled it wouldn't work properly but in this particular case I don't think that's the issue.

edited for spelling

I'm the OP of the post Warlockjen linked and I can tell you it's still happening and it's got nothing to do with the listing being wrong. This error is still occuring for both myself and a number of fellow players -- both that I've spoken with and, as you can see, from the poster above -- so I don't understand why a change hasn't been made.

The "bug" can't be reproduced in order to be fixed, I get that. But as I said before, people can pay attention to their own lockouts or they can get removed from groups if they choose not to be aware of it. Either way, the point remains that this error is preventing people from joining groups for no reason whatsoever. It'd be great if something could be done about it.

one thing that would prolly help in addressing the issue would be... if i did any pve and got locked out on a boss or two

if anyone would like to carry me thru a few bosses, just let me know when (US horde side)

Instead of forcing the idea of recreating the issue (which you've been unable to do so far), why not just take the suggestion and remove the feature? Let us take care of our own lockouts please.

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