R.I.P. indeed, but I may just disable mine at that point. :(
It has been an honor, this was one hell of a great addon.
R.I.P. indeed, but I may just disable mine at that point. :(
It has been an honor, this was one hell of a great addon.
For a while now, perhaps a month or two, I've had a problem with oQueue preventing me from going AFK. It does not happen every day, but it happens often and from what I understand, Blizzard can get a little upset if they think you're using a program to keep yourself logged in. Just recently it kept me online for a few hours when I should have been logged off way sooner.
I'm wondering if there is a way to disable this feature or if it's a bug. I always update OQ when it yells at me (thank you so much for removing the /hail) and this is happening even with OQ as the only addon loaded.
I did a forum search for "AFK" and all I came up with is how to hide the chat messages, but that is not what I want. I want to be able to naturally go afk and automatically get logged off.