oQueue preventing AFK

For a while now, perhaps a month or two, I've had a problem with oQueue preventing me from going AFK. It does not happen every day, but it happens often and from what I understand, Blizzard can get a little upset if they think you're using a program to keep yourself logged in. Just recently it kept me online for a few hours when I should have been logged off way sooner.

I'm wondering if there is a way to disable this feature or if it's a bug. I always update OQ when it yells at me (thank you so much for removing the /hail) and this is happening even with OQ as the only addon loaded.

I did a forum search for "AFK" and all I came up with is how to hide the chat messages, but that is not what I want. I want to be able to naturally go afk and automatically get logged off.

I have seen what you may be describing... where it says you are afk, and then you keep getting afk spam in your chat box. I have never been logged on afk long enough though to test if I would get logged out or not. Never thought this to be related to OQ.

And ya, I am pretty sure it is against ToS to use a bot to keep you logged in, regardless of what you are doing. Reminds me of the good ole days of The Sims Online and people would jam their keyboard with a penny which would keep the system from logging them out. People who had "stores" could be open forever that way... well, until they got banned lol.

Unfortunately becasue oQueue uses whispers to do communication, it will keep you online as WoW sees you are whispering people and this prevents you from going AFK (I think)?

I seem to recall testing this out in the past and after some length of time my character automatically logged out anyways.

Unfortunately, come Tuesday and patch 6.0.2, the WoW addon API will have changes made to it which prevent oQueue from functioning. Due to this we are not releasing any more versions, or continuing development at this time.

However, we do appreciate your post.


R.I.P. indeed, but I may just disable mine at that point. :(

It has been an honor, this was one hell of a great addon.

Wait...if this is the end days does that mean no more raffles?

I will miss my OQ, always there in a pinch to find a groups, if not for OQ I wouldn't have discovered the great friends I have met, never would have gotten the gear I have, never gotten my Normal Garry kill /tear

no more raffles?

oQueue might be going away, but the site isn't going anywhere :).

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