OQ Notes Suggestion
I think adding notes to OQ would be fantastic. A little scroll over menu or something right by a characters name. They can put alts / class / spec / iLvl information into there. I personally have 11 90s, and can fill every role if need be, but I cant waitlist on every toon at the same time.Adding scroll over notes would really make life easier for both waitlisters and leaders. Leaders would be able to find group members easier because almost everyone has alts / mains and they could see those alts / mains (assuming the waitlister put them in their note). And waitlisters would find groups easier because they will essentially be waitlisting with a broader cast of characters.
>Im on mage 553 iLvl
>Waitlist for "SoO25 (FullClear)-- Must have Consumables"
>Leader already has 3 mages, but sees I have a note. He scrolls over note
>Note: "I have a DK Tank, H Paladin and MM Hunter all are 553"
>Leader invites me, tells me to switch to Hunter for X Buff (or w/e reason).
Normally I would not have gotten invited in that situation, but because of notes, I had a chance.
I think a note system would be really really really nice.