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When wait listing, is it possible to have a message attached to

Say I want to send a note a long with my wait list request be it that "Willing to Tank, heal or DPS" or " Alt characters are such and such ilvl" or "Have a second person with me and their ilvl is blah"?
If not, it could be a nice addition?
We are avoiding letting the waitlisted message the leader, however we have thought about allowing the leader to initiate a conversation with the waitlister.

So they leader could message you and be like "Hey can you dps also?", or "Hey what is your tank spec ilvl?" etc.

We are afraid the leaders will just get trolled and hate mail all day becuase of ilvl requirements etc. We don't want people to be afraid to lead a group. We want to encourage users to step up to the plate and lead a group.

No plans to implement it atm but it has been discussed.

I dont think its about messaging leaders. Its about adding a note when I waitlist that says "alts / ilvl / bla bla bla" Maybe a max of 100-200 characters per note. So when the leader scrolls over you, they can see your note.


>Im on mage 553 iLvl

>Leader does not need mage, but sees I have a note. He scrolls over note

>Note: "I have a DK Tank and a Holy Paladin both are 553"

>Leader invites me, tells me to switch to H Paladin.

I think a note system would be really really really nice. Ill make my own thread for this, just incase this isnt the place to pitch the idea. <3

The note concept has been thought about aswell. But I think there was concerns that the added length of 100 - 200 characters (in this example) just wouldn't fit.

We are already stressing the message sizes to their limit.

There would also be good opportunity for trolling in this note aswell. Which we are trying to avoid. However less than out right messaging the leader.

Not saying it can't be done, justing giving insight into previous trains of thought.