
Awsome, thankyou, i guess ive been so heavily trained over the years in ignoring the instruction manuals, that i completely went full retard in making this post when i should have just looked for the manual. '

Sorry, and thanks again

oQueue list updating is retarded

I just have to say, oQueue is almost un-usable, due to the simple fact that whenever you are trying to mouse-over groups to see the details etc. you instantly have the details tab removed because new groups/updates to the list are constantly happening, and so everything is constantly swapping places.

You really need to fix this, either make it so you can fixate on a group and the details tab wont dissapear just because the list is rearranged while you are still having your mouse over it, or simply add a delay to the sorting of like 10 seconds so it doesnt fuck with people constantly

Otherwise its a great program, aside from the annoying random people it adds on your friendslist and dont remove again
