
Nevermind! I will not try do delete. Apparently if the tiny little bitty checkbox in the character screen that says show item level is not checked it will not show anything!

Not holding settings

Hey Tiny,

First off thanks again and again on all the work on OQ and now your spin offs for that. oGear seems to be working fine upon initial install. However after that it is off and not showing anything. I went to the interface options screen and checked all three boxes when I exit out of that window it is unchecked again. No amount of clicking will make it stick! I had only looked into this because a guild mate asked me was it working for me. I downloaded and tried. Thank You again!!!

Been using the addon for as long as it has been out. Never seen or heard anything like that. Might better rethink your thought process and consider who you may be giving/sharing your account information with!