
Ok, so blizzard disabled the ability oqueue had for getting its list/mesh around. So any chance it could be modified and changed to become a custom interface for the new blizzard group finder... which is complete crap by comparison. Not sure what extra could be done on top of what blizzard has. perhaps a better search since blizzards isnt really spot on. a larger window for the list would be nice.Perhaps a way to get all current raids and so on listed from blizzard so more fine tuned filtering could be done in the addon...

*shrug* just a suggestion.

Ninja raid leader - Baresius-Ragnaros

Led raid for shaman, got to loot rolls and did other piece of gear by roll, then looted trinket to himself and left the raid. There was never any claim on reserve for any loot in the raid, or in the oqueue info for the raid.

Be wary.

Yes i know, submit ticket. Just posting here so others know to watch out for his raids.