
Hmmm usually when I see people with it stays on for pretty long

still looks badass and perfect for my draenei frost dk : ))

Ahh, congrats!!

I was hoping I would win this1, I really like this frost helm ;D

Congrats! :D

+1 on this


I noticed same thing going on for me for past 3 days too. I receive "you've lost 1 karma point" message whenever I log my banker alt (around after 1 min when I log it).

My recent acitivity through OQ was only joining Ordos groups on tuesday on my 2 alts and same for previous tuesday... I didn´t do anything wrong or make any1 mad that they would give me -1 karma on those groups so Idk.

Any explanations for me and mcgruff? Because I am already on 7 karma lol xD Or people usually ignore it? I don't wanna be denied on OQ invites just because of that