
Cowlightning Ninja

Cowlightning from eu kazzak server using oqueue and ninja items. be aware.

1.9.9 freezes

after installing 1.9.9 game freezes for 1 sec but this is happening so frequent that i cant do anything.

last 3 versions also very problematique

how hard to go back to 1.9.5 many ppl having same issue and it doesnt fix by disable/enable/reinstall etc. ffs

end of oqueue?

reinstalling etc not working addon keeps crashing.

after 1.9.5 what have you done is keep this addon crashing remove it and make it 2.0 so we can use it ...

still keep crashing :s


eventhough i removed bnet friends, i still have issues after couple of minuntes varying 15 minutes to 1 hour. game still freezes. we need to get back to 1 step back to older version or something new.

error keeps.


%100 solution of this.

if your game crashes login with old oqueue version and from options remove btag oqueue friends all of them inclueded offline too.

it works stable atm.

but i still want to that ppl can queue with all versions of oqueue.

@ tiny listen here carefully.

i dont use app/desktop app.

i dont have 100 ppl on my list. only 20 btag friends.

i use wow-64.exe directly to game.

no i cant disable other addons, i use them.

i was using older version and it was ok. i uploaded to 1.9.7a and when i join game, the game freezes.

where can i find older version of oqueue ?

and why cant i queue for people who got newer versions of oqueue, with older verison of oqueue? this make nonsense.