
How do I turn off this loot confirmation box?

Since I'm not getting a reply, let my rephrase this.

After the recent update, OQueue recieved the following changes and addition.

v1.9.1 BUGFIX: verify group and slot numbers
BUGFIX: removed forced PVPUIFrame load. would force load before player exclusion preference loaded
UPD: won't clear a marker if none set on the main premade tab; allows for manual setting
UPD: modified hop such that if a msg arrived via b.net w/ a TTL of 0, it would dump into oqgeneral to tell the realm
UPD: 'time drift' on the setup panel now reflects variance from scorekeeper time
UPD: if qualified is checked, groups in an active bg will not be seen
add: loot method acceptance dialog; results of your choice will echo to chat, thereby providing a record for Blizz

That final line bolded, is what concerns me. Is there a way to turn it off in game?
I searched the setup tab but found no check boxes relating to it; maybe cause im blind, but i'd still like for someone to give me a straight forward answer on this.