
oGear not showing correct iLvl

Just making a thread here in the oGear section.

"Seems to be that all items you loot post 6.0.2, in quality HC and Mythic will be shown by oGear as ilvl 540. All items I have that were looted pre 6.0.2 shows correct ilvl 553 or 566. Warforged items also showing as 540"

I can confirm this bug aswell. The behaviour seems to be that all items you loot post 6.0.2, in quality HC and Mythic will be shown by oGear as ilvl 540. All items I had pre 6.0.2 shows correct ilvl 553 or 566. Also same bug applies to Warforged edition of HC and Mythic - all of them will be shown as 540 nonetheless.

Looks like there is something in the code for when oGear retrieves info from server that is not working correctly, cause even completely removing oGear and reinstalling it, will not fix the display bug.