
I cant even cross realm invite people without using oque right now either. Just right click invite btag isnt working.

ive tried inviting them without using oque after oque had already added there btag. So this is what happens. They waitlist, I add them, btag plus instant decline. I then try to reinvite using oque bc they rejoinned waitlist. Doesnt work again. So then I right click there btag name that was added and invite them again. Still instantly declined. I have all my addons turned off except ones I was already using so I know they work.

Instant declining party invites!

When I make premade using oque and invite someone via waitlist it adds the btag invites them, THEN I get an instant decline. The person never gets the invite at all. What is the issue? My Oque is updated and ive reinstalled several times. Is it on there end or mine. Is this is WoW thing or this addon?