
yes, I often have the same problem :( alot of times u click and nothing happens. Or u create one and no one on the wait list. Or u try to add and u have to keep clicking and clicking but nothing happens. Awesome Addon with a great utility..if it works. feel like a kid in a candy store, but i'm not allowed to have anything :(

Yes, the game goes on, but if u want to use OQ for something you will have to relog WoW....and yes, your friends list will will show you offline

Bnet is down Oqueue will not function properly till Bnet is rest

I read other posts before on this subject but cannot find them anymore. This is still an ongoing problem? I have tried past solutions, but this usually happens when I swap toons. I have 10 90's that I use on the farm everyday for mats. I might get this problem after my first toon or my 5th..doesn't matter. Launching directly from the folder (WOW-64) or the WOW Launcher in the same folder still has the same problem as does launching from the quick launch action bar or the desktop, even running as an administrator. Is this still being looked into?
"Ive got a great suggestion
Get competent developers
Make your shit work " from: Kevinmd

Seriously! There are only 2 of them working on this and I think they have done an outstanding job with what they have. If you don't like it, then remove it u scab
Oqueue is an excellent addon Tiny. Keep up the good work.


1. There needs to be something to stop the random btag adds. I constanly have to remove btags that seem to be randomly added to my account while playing. When I'm out questing, farming etc. btags just randomly get added (I notice this in chat). I then have to open oqueue, set up, remove.

2. Is there a way to indicate a pvp realm by color? Example. When I am looking for an ordos or celestial group on Tuesday morning, I have no idea if I join the group that I will be phased to a pvp or pve realm. I usually look for a title that says Ordos US PVE, or I just make my own with that title. Maybe when a person creates a group, the name could be green signifying that person comes from a pvp realm?