
Xylol cheating the system.

http://puu.sh/bHkZb.jpg if you go to his armory his highest achievement in rated battlegrounds 2.1k his highest achievement in 3v3 1750 2v2 1550 and 5s nothing. However as you can see on Oqueue it shows hes 2400. another thing I might mention is I doubt his Oqueue record is correct as well.

Can I get a update for this please thank you I understand you're very busy.

Please ban Taxilol

He exploits Oqueue I don't know if you remember the screenshot I posted of him altering his rating but in this screenshot I got his battletag for you as well as him altering his win loss ratio http://puu.sh/9VNAC.jpg this screenshot should provide everything you need. thanks for banning cheaters like him.
So do i need a entire new screenshot showing his battletag or can i just get you his battletag?

Please ban Taxilol

http://puu.sh/9z557 this is a screenshot of him abusing Oqueue by making a premade that requires 2900 rating in rbgs says he has a retarded win/loss ratio and the only reason I care enough now to report him for it is because he ddoses as well he hit 3 people offline he said he changed the lua folder so please ban him I believe that the screenshot provides all the proof you need to see that he doesn't need to be using oqueue