
I dont use the app and this still happens to me. Though, since the 1.8.9 update, it happens FAR less.

EDIT: I also had the issue of my chat lagging on the other person's end.

oQueue uses the message system to work and I didn't have a problem with disconnects until it was implemented into the game in patch 5.4.7. As far as I know, oQueue is the only addon that actually takes advantage of the chat system, which is still pretty glitchy (not really surprised, tbh). I usually disable it by typing /oq off when I'm in raid so I don't experience the disconnects, otherwise it doesn't really bother me.
Shouldnt have to do that though. Using OQ is becoming a major pain in the ass and there really isnt anything else to use. I enable OQ and it can be going great for a few min but then I cant click on waitlist and Ill have to reload to fix it. Becomes a major pain in the ass.

It's not oqueue but Blizzard having issues with bnet
I dont buy that because the second I disable OQ the issue resolves itself. I know a lot of other people with the same issue and the same resolution (going dark in OQ).

OQ causing lag

Ever since this new update (1.8.8c) it constantly drops me out of then instantly reconnects me. It also makes my chat very laggy. When I tell OQ to go dark, the issue resolves itself.

Any plans for an update to address this? Is it a known issue?
Or how about this?

That becomes a major pain in the ass when looking for a group only to realize youre not pooling groups because everyone is on a newer version and OQ isnt letting you know that there is a new version even though that the addon is being updated 30 times a week.

Was just a suggestion. No need to be a dick about it ron.

Works for me 99.99% of the time too. Was referring to the fact to release it sooner than the suggested new release cycle in the EVENT that there was a major bug effecting the majority of the user base. I wasnt implying that this was constantly the case.

Please implenent this idea

Im growing tired of coming here 15 times a week to update the addon. Could you please do 1 large update a week say on Fridays? Or do it bi weekly or something? Unless it's aboslutely necessary because the addon itself is bugging the hell out and causing EVERYONE issues. Having multiple updates in a day get's tiresome. I love the addon dont get me wrong and I appreciate all you are doing, it's just since we cant update through curse anymore having to come here 15 times a week can become a pain in the ass.

Thanks Tiny.