
What is a Gutenberg Editor?

Gutenberg editors is the new default WordPress editor introduced in the year 2018 when WordPress 5.0 was launched publicly. WordPress revealed that the main reason to replace the TinyMCE editor with a Gutenberg editor is to ensure that users are able to build rich posts and attractive layouts within a few clicks. 

Read More:  Gutenberg WordPress Guide: How You Can Use WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)

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How To Secure Your Website From Negative SEO Attacks?

If you are not aware of how Negative SEO works and what damage it can do to your website and its ranking then make sure you stick to this article till the end. As we are going to offer every small detail about negative SEO starting from what is negative SEO? How can websites identify negative SEO attacks? And most importantly how you can prevent those attacks. 

Read More: How To Secure Your Website From Negative SEO Attacks?

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Things To Know Before Creating WordPress Websites

If you are using wordpress.com then you don’t have to buy any hosting as it is a web hosting company that allows you to create blogs for free. In short, WordPress is a blog hosting service provider.  If you are signing up with wordpress.com then your blog page domain will be in this format myblog.wordpress.com. Compared to wordpress.org, wordpres.com has several limitations but if you are a beginner and looking to start a blogging website with a limited budget then wordpress.com be the perfect choice for you.

Read More: WordPress Website Design Guide: Things To Know Before Creating WordPress Websites

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