
grats, that's a gigantic undertaking!

constant lua errors

To start, I LOVE OQ! Because of that a casual player like me has been able to experience any content I want, and make a couple friends along the way. I was able to progress through soo flex and normal getting my ahead of the curve achv. Thank you so much for this :) <3

Lately, for quite some time now I've been getting lua errors, which lag me up so badly I have to log out to turn off OQ. I figured soon enough there'd be an update, I can't be the only person experiencing this?

I'm using 1.9.5, and according to my download file it was downloaded 7/14/2014, if that helps in some way. I re-downloaded and replaced thinking I got a bad download somehow.

The following are the lua errors I just recieved, I figured having them might help find the issue. They were divided into 4 tabs, so I'll separate them as I have little to no idea what they are. I can also provide screen shots if you feel it would help. :)

TAB :1

Message: Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: script ran too long
Time: 07/25/14 22:49:41
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18419: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22768: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>

Locals: <none>

TAB 2:

Message: ...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:543: script ran too long
Time: 07/25/14 22:49:42
Count: 1
Stack: ...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:543: in function `ScriptErrorsFrame_OnError'
[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18419: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22768: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>

Locals: message = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: script ran too long"
warnType = nil
keepHidden = nil
stack = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18419: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22768: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>
messageStack = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: script ran too longInterface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18419: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22768: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>
index = 1
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = "token_ = "GkQHbG.1406346567"
key = "AmCCFR"
(*temporary) = <table> {
AmUVnK = 40766
Am4uC9 = 91352
Akp7kI = 37783
Gm+4Ve.1406345990 = 82928
AnBlC7 = 66516
AmF71l = 35450
AmwzYS = 81827
AmjqkH = 50535
Ak5jeh = 52536
Glh7JQ.1406344486 = 54543
GnA+/n.1406346088 = 91906
AmWhR5 = 74296
AndZKS = 81064
AnkwKF = 84845
GkQHbG.1406346567 = 95769
An4DZi = 95768
Am3I7E = 60909
AnCL9O = 66700
GinT6r.1406344216 = 46407
AkBdm9 = 50969
GlwjLZ.1406345576 = 74406
An4QaL = 95766
AmRMUv = 39308
AmUYfD = 40788
AnutT/ = 90204
AmSVEV = 94175
Al8vIT = 49285
GnZe8N.1406346053 = 84977
AmbQwG = 44565
Ami6jD = 49221
AmQLns = 53654
GkwVLW.1406346564 = 95765
Akx5Mr = 44671
AnvH45 = 91140
AmOkk6 = 52228
GmSh15.1406344711 = 58263
GZmEYr.1406344729 = 58114
AnqRNv = 87295
Al8jwY = 50023
An38rn = 95764
AnApgN = 66033
AkkP7S = 32728
AnLCXV = 71134
AmbCiV = 44489
Gnoy50.1406346553 = 95763
AnqaVs = 87755
GnPbhI.1406345920 = 81510
GfzaVI.1406343508 = 30795
Amo6uU = 52986
GlItsN.140(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"
_ScriptErrorsFrame = ScriptErrorsFrame {
0 = <userdata>
warnType = <table> {
messages = <table> {
close = <unnamed> {
previous = <unnamed> {
indexLabel = <unnamed> {
locals = <table> {
title = <unnamed> {
times = <table> {
seen = <table> {
count = <table> {
order = <table> {
next = <unnamed> {

TAB 3:

Message: Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: script ran too long
Time: 07/25/14 22:49:44
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22744: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>

Locals: <none>

TAB 4:

Message: ...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:543: script ran too long
Time: 07/25/14 22:49:44
Count: 1
Stack: ...e\AddOns\Blizzard_DebugTools\Blizzard_DebugTools.lua:543: in function `ScriptErrorsFrame_OnError'
[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
[C]: in function `remove'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22744: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>

Locals: message = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: script ran too long"
warnType = nil
keepHidden = nil
stack = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22744: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>
messageStack = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: script ran too longInterface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2388: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22744: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>
index = 3
(*temporary) = <table> {
2 = "message = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: script ran too long"
warnType = nil
keepHidden = nil
stack = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18419: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22768: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23378>
messageStack = "Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: script ran too longInterface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:2401: in function `token_push'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18419: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22768: in function `process_msg'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22667: in function `process_bundle'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:22191: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:23381: in function <Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.}
(*temporary) = "token_ = "An4Pfa"
(*temporary) = "GjXnZF.1406340787"
(*temporary) = <table> {
1 = "Akb4gl"
2 = "AkbvBT"
3 = "Gic0px.1406340791"
4 = "AkbPFq"
5 = "Gh8Gca.1406340778"
6 = "AmBnp4"
7 = "AmBetf"
8 = "Glx2Zp.1406343459"
9 = "AmCPZU"
10 = "GjvIKJ.1406343479"
11 = "Al4fBB"
12 = "GgeT7J.1406343223"
13 = "AmCajd"
14 = "GkBNqW.1406343483"
15 = "AmC3Ge"
16 = "GkOPDi.1406343495"
17 = "AmCaY8"
18 = "GfKlbd.1406343483"
19 = "AmCdFT"
20 = "GhOxtj.1406343484"
21 = "AkbqZG"
22 = "Gfkh7D.1406340790"
23 = "AkbpIn"
24 = "GkA54Q.1406340789"
25 = "AkbwhY"
26 = "GjepvI.1406340792"
27 = "AmCbEa"
28 = "GiG1nU.1406343483"
29 = "AmCqZd"
30 = "GjDcoU.1406343490"
31 = "AmCIQq"
32 = "Gl6Okj.1406343476"
33 = "AmCHRv"
34 = "Gkfb6y.1406343475"
35 = "AmCW2J"
36 = "AmBBpN"
37 = "GhgiuN.1406343447"
38 = "AmC6Rc"
39 = "GhfMnm.1406343496"
40 = "AmBern"
41 = "AmBmGR"
42 = "AmB8fY"
43 = "GlqTbB.1406343471"
44 = "AmCVjo"
45 = "Gloa47.1406343481"
46 = "AmCCOe"
47 = "GlnipI.1406343473"
4(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"
_ScriptErrorsFrame = ScriptErrorsFrame {
0 = <userdata>
warnType = <table> {
messages = <table> {
close = <unnamed> {
previous = <unnamed> {
indexLabel = <unnamed> {