
forum reply count should be -1

your forum reply count shows all posts in one thread, including the original post, which is not reply.

English (general)

in premade finder can I get into language selection "English (general)" please? As I really don't know any difference between those 3 and I don't want to filter 2 out when selecting 1. So ... please give us 1 that shows all 3 englishes and nothing else.
Same here.
Deleting oqueue.lua from character AND account settings did not solve anything either.
Also deleting oqueue folder entirely from addons and copying fresh copy from website with version 1.8.0 didnt help.

oQueue 1.8.0 has 0-0 connections

oQueue 1.8.0 has 0-0 connections.

auto join oqgeneral channel is set;
b-tag is submitted;
spamming find mesh yields 0 results.

in europe region then obviously.

and you still have not added scorekeeperless find mesh system :(