
what i did few times in such case is, when i was in rbg: disable oq. reload. enable oq

or when i was in 2s. i found someone to play with.. than disabled oq

Yea, usually a /reloadui fixes it, but that can be a hassle. I haven't had the issue in the past few days, but I'll keep trying to reproduce it.
Yep, 1.8.8c.

It's odd, however, it doesn't do it every battleground, so I can't pinpoint the cause, which also makes it difficult to see if it's another addon mis-handling chat messages by turning on/off addons one by one.

You aren't in a party spam, OQ

This happens to me a LOT in random battlegrounds, and it's very annoying.

Not in a party

I ran an eventtrace to capture a moment when I received the spam.

/eventtrace start

//Here's OQ trying to send a message to INSTANCE_CHAT

Time: 228917.858
arg1: "OQ"
arg2: "OQ,1C,W1,4,fog,H7N0CJEDKBF"
arg4: "Dankestrecks-Anvilmar"

//Here's the error
Time: 228917.858
arg1: "You aren't in a party."

/eventtrace stop

Any ideas as to why this is happening? I know oqueue_filters.lua has a catch to ignore "You aren't in a party."

There's an option to disable it in the OQ Setup menu > Show Gear Highlight