
Cannot make a premade group!

I keep getting this error and apparently alot of others have aswell
OQ: error calling 'bnet_friend_req' error: Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:18896: attempt to concatenate a nil value
OQ: removing timer

no one shows up on my waitlist everyone shows up on my pending bnet requests its annoying and making it impossible to form groups so at this point its been uninstalled cause its pointless to me.. might get it back if the error is fixed

Creating premade group error

First i get this error in my chat window: http://gyazo.com/198adc6d28c6eb729d1ff44bd9227998
Then whenever anyone ques up on my oq group it doesnt show up in oq it shows up in my battlenet friends requests and i cant tell what class/spec/ilvl they are

"Waitlist request not accepted. Reason: Raid Lockout Conflict"

Im getting this error "Waitlist request not accepted. Reason: Raid Lockout Conflict".. Yet i dont have any lockouts on any toons.. ive uninstalled all the OQ data and the data in the WTF folder then reinstalled it and it hasnt made a difference