
Suggestion: oTradeChat Clickable name's

Example: [otc:Xieje]: LFM SoO (Left click the name and whisper that person to join for SoO.)

Would be really nice to have this feature.

Suggestion: oQueue's list

1. Maybe an right click button to check the person's armory (would be nice)

2. Maybe an achievement points on his information would be nice to see his experience in WoW (not necessary)

3. Maybe a loot rules in Create a group. When u view a premade; 'Raid', u can see the loot rules instantly (good feature)

That's my dream list. I hope u understand, my english is so bad. Have a nice day :)


oTradechat clickable name's


Is it possible to make the chat clickable name's?

Example: [otc:Xieje]: LFM SoO

Left click the name and whisper that person to join for SoO.

Would be nice to have that feature.

I hope u understand and sorry for my bad english.


Hi, it's already checked. It doesn't works! I have to do it manually.. Please help!


Hello everyone,

How can i show this OQ BG Spy automatically in bg chat?
I have to type it everytime in every bg to show the stats..
Could be easier if its automatically set to instance chat if possible.
Sometimes, it shows and most of the time it doesn't.
Can anyone explain how it works? I want it to show in bg chat.
Thanks in advanced for the big help!