
What i mean about removed is that his name and my explanation disappeared off my computer as though someone removed him from the ban list that i created. That is what i meant. When it happened i do remember in one raid i was in someone saying to raid leader " i saw your name on the ban list but don't worry i took it off". So I am asking do you have a master control to keep or remove raid leaders from ban lists....and if so why would someone bother to do that ? Obviously there was a valid reason the person put him there in the first place.

ban list

When i put a raid leaders name on a ban list on my oq on my computer and i write the reason i put it there. Why is it removed from my list?

oQueue 1.9.3

i updated and everytime i go to click on a raid it goes to pending and then disappears ; when it comes back awhile later it has reverted to 'wait list' again. Did not have this problem before i updated and it doesn't matter what raid i click on.....