
I got to say think you too Tiny!

If it were not for Oqueue I would have never been able to get Shadowmourne on my DK, a host of transmog gear, current tier gear on several of my toons, dozens of kills on Ordos nor the RBG mounts with my hunter.

Even with Blizzards version I will miss this addon more than any other.

What is causing half or more of a list of raids to vanish?

I have been doing Rated BGs and I will get a list of say 25 of them, then it instantly drops to five and slowly builds back up to 20 then drops to 10 etc...

It is getting so that the many of the ones I want to try and join vanish before I can click on them.

What would be causing this anomaly?

Thought so, thanks for the confirmation.

The dun dun sound while pending?

Quite often I will be at "pending" status with a RBG group then hear a  dun dun sound and no longer pending.

When it does the dun dun sound does that simply mean I was rejected by the BG leader? 
Ah ok thanks for the info, I was racking up a lot of tears now I know why.

What are tears and karma for in OQ?

When you mouse over the top left corner of OQ it gives details about your toon and one of them is "tears" another is "karma".

What are they for?
I did as sugested in another thread and deleted oqueue from my addons directory which was 1.83 version, redownloaded it and installed in again which is version 1.83c and that seems to have fixed the problem.
I have the same problem, I join a BG, Raid or Dungeon the very first time I try to attack something WoW locks up.

I do get an errror when OQ runs; a one_shot 18 error
Oqueque interface/addons/oqueque/battlegrounds lua 215 attempt to call field e6

Then says OQ removing timer

Not sure if that has anything to do with it, I did try the /oq fog command to disable  but when I hit enter it does nothing.