

No. Separate downloads of individual addons does not qualify as a collective work or compilation. Compilations are single packages containing many addons that are intended to be used together, eg. ElvUI or JoeBob's Awesome UI.

However, based on the text you quoted, I've determined that Curse is displaying an old version of my license text, and their edit function is not currently working (which is probably why it's displaying an old verson), so thanks for the heads-up. The actual license as included with the addons was updated quite some time ago to clarify what "compilation" means in relation to WoW addons.

(Edit: Okay, I guess it's only partly broken, and just ignores the form submission 2/3 times. It's been updated now.)


Thank you. However, it shouldn't be necessary for me to constantly monitor your site to make sure you're not re-uploading my addons. If you're going to insist on using automated scraping to copy addons from Curse, it should be looking at the license, with a whitelist that only includes licenses you guys have actually checked for compliance, not a blacklist or whatever other method it's currently using. :(

Stop violating my copyrights.

Once again you people are distributing my addons without my consent, in violation of my license terms, in violation of US and international copyright law, and displaying a total lack of respect for me as a content creator. I have submitted a formal complaint to your web host this time, since though you did remove my addons after I complained the last time, it appears you're either incapable or unwilling to prevent your automated scraper from re-posting them, and neither situation is acceptable.

The following addons are clearly licensed under terms that do not allow you to redistribute them without permission. Please remove them from your website immediately, and refrain from ever uploading any of my addons to your website again in the future.

  1. BetterBattlePetTooltip -
  2. Class Colors -
  3. GridStatusHealTrace -
  4. Item Tooltip Cleaner -
  5. OPie Masque -
  6. ShieldsUp -

Furthermore, your website incorrectly lists OPie Masque as being in the public domain, when it is in fact not in the public domain, nor listed that way on Curse, which is where I assume you've scraped all of these addons from.

The terms under which (most of) my addons are licensed do not allow you (or anyone else) to redistribute them without permission. You are violating copyright law by distributing the following addons: - Grid ( - oUF_Phanx ( Please remove them from your website immediately, and refrain from illegally rehosting any of my work in the future. These addons (along with all my others) include a LICENSE file for a reason; you have no excuse to be confused about whether or not you can redistribute them. You can't. Stop.