
I use /trade and /general when looking for HC Sen pugs as its quicker and easier but other times im am not logged into them.

Unfortunately some people have got wise to this and spam LookingForGroup and LocalDefense with crap as well so I had left them all on my main toon (the broken one). I'll stay connected to LocalDefense and just ignore ppl now as I have cleared my ignore list.

Thanks for the info and the help.

I think we have a winner.

I had left all game channels because ppl keep spamming every single one with LFG or WTS rubbish and my ignore list was full. I connected to LocalDefense logged off and back on again and oqchannel was connected as well so it looks like you need to be connected to at least one ingame channel to be connected to oqchannel as well.

(I tried connecting to just oqchannel but it then just spammed me with the background stuff on the channel)

Hopefully LocalDefense wont get too spammy again.

Thanks for the help

I have no chat channels on the broken character and comparing that to the working one I think we have found the problem. Connecting to it now. BRB

Ok so both characters return from the script.

Connection on the Working Character is 290 - 0

Connection on the not working character is 0 - 0 or sometimes 0 - 1

Time seems fine

Online now so I can test things and give you live info if needed to help get this fixed

Ok will check those when I'm home, Will run it on the broken toon and the working toon to compare them and let you know the responces

Toon is same Server, Faction, Account, Guild, Lvl.

I will check the rest when I get home from work in 2.5 hours. And I assume you want me to type /script print(GetCVar("realmList")); ingmae?

oQueue blank on 1 character but works fine on the others

I have tried clicking find mesh and it still doenst work on this one character. I have logged on to other chracters on the same account, realm and faction and they work just fine.

I am runnin the most upto date oQ and I have deleted it from my interface folder, redownloaded it and put it back in to the interface and I still ahve the same problem

Im on EU btw

oQ blank and not working on 1 character but other are fine

oQ doesnt seem to work on my main toon. When I log in and open oQ the premades are blank even after a couple of mins however when I log one of my other toons it connects right away and I can find groups. Whats happening? Spoke to support on Vent and they told me to come here