Game crashing

Recently my game has started to crash. It first happened maybe two weeks ago and since then it has begun to happen more and more often. It has reached a point now where I expect several crashes just during one gaming session.

It appears to have something to do with oQueue. It happens almost every time I first try to click "Wait List" to find a group or it will crash the second that I receieve a group invite, like as soon as I see the box pop up to accept or decline. It is also happening fairly often when I try to start my own premade group. It has happened a few times when I wasn't doing anything with oQueue, but of course the add on was running in the background at the time. I don't know much about this stuff, but it definitely seems to be related to this add on. I've tried deleting oQueue and reinstalling it and that hasn't fixed the problem. Any ideas?

The error message that I'm receiving......

Error #0 (0x851000000) Assertion failure

ProcessID: 4592
Expr: Internal Battle.net Error