
Do you plan to make several modules, like DBM or ForteXorcist ? It could let people choose what features they want and what they don't need to enjoy oQueue.

You're adding a lot of features to oQueue, and while some of these are enjoyable for most people, I feel I don't have use of half of the addon. For example the dices : I still don't know what it is supposed to be. The new "I accept loot rule" raid spamming thing who pops up even in LFR : why ? Karma : never used it and I dont see anyone using it, at least EU side. Same for all the PvP things, contracts...

1.9.1 doesn't find mesh


I'm having trouble with my addon : it doesn't add any mesh on my account. I press the find mesh button and nothing happens. Weird thing is it works fine with my friend's account on the same computer. I recently updated to 1.9.1, and manually declined an btag request from scorekeeper while I was on the Battle.net launcher. Can it have something to do with my problem ?

Edit: Well, I've no idea of what I did but it works and find meshes again.

Anyway, I'd like to know if it's "dangerous" to accept/decline scorekeeper/mesh requests while on another game than WoW ?