
I think it's a design issue: when creating the premade, the creator fills in the fields Type: Raid, Subtype: SoO of course... but if you want OQ to not check raid IDs/boss down, you must leave the subtype empty. This should be made clear somewhere, maybe with a pop-up, or just add a "Garrosh only" subtype ?
clarification: "the error happens" **for all my toons**

OQ having even more issues with "Raid Lockout Conflict"

I'm having ever more issues with the Raid Lockout Conflict bug. I have 2-3 toons that raid during the week (some Heroic, some Normal), and 5-6 able to down Garrosh... Right now, I get Raid Locjkout errors on toons that have not set a foot in SoO this week, on toons that have done it partially.... It seems as if as soon as I have an Heroic tag on any toon, and the OQ's RL also has an heroic tag, then the error happens ?
I had the same bug: done no SoO at all this week, PUGed 2 direct-Garrosh failed raids via OQ, got the "raid lockout" error after that and couldn't join a 3rd direct-to-Garrosh raid via OQ. My SoO lockout was still blank as it should be, I checked.

/oq harddrop didn't fix it, but deleting all OQ files from /WTF (after having exited WoW) did fix the issue.

Edit: I had killed Garrosh on an Alt though, so maybe the bug comes from OQ getting confused between alts.