
I just donated 20$ to yah tiny thanks for your quick help I really do appreciate all the work you do
Tiny has fixed this error
The fix is simple if anyone else has this issue when u have a list of people on your waitlist and the error pops up press the tabs up top to sort them... then /reloadui

Thanks tiny i love oqueue you do great work i love this addon!
Thanks for the advice but i have worked pretty hard for my oque stats and iM going to try and sort this out without having to delete that file.(if i cant figure it out i will just delete it i guess)

I'll add a few more things, this error doesnt seem to occur until i have 3+ people waiting on my waitlist when im leading a raid. It seems to mess up my list of members waiting and some stack on top of each other and it seems to sometimes just freezes and you no longer get the *ding you normally hear when a new member joins. Then once the error pops up oque seems to be right broken.I just got anouther error.

Date: 2014-07-20 23:16:19
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua line 7483:
invalid order function for sorting
[C]: sort()
oqueue\oqueue.lua:7483: reshuffle_waitlist()
oqueue\oqueue.lua:7562: remove_waitlist()
(*temporary) ={ 1 = 3 2 = 2 3 = 4 4 = 6 5 = 1}(*temporary) = defined @Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:7388(*temporary) = 6(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = nilAddOns: Swatter, v5.20.5464 (RidiculousRockrat) NPCScan, v5.4.8.3 NPCScanOverlay, v5.4.8.2 Ace3, v AckisRecipeList, v2.6.2 ACP, v3.4.8 AlternateButtonTemplate, v0.7.16 AskMrRobot, v1.2.16.0 Auctionator, v3.1.5 BagBrother, v Bagnon, v5.4.15 Coordinates, v1.14 DBMCore, v DBMDefaultSkin, v DBMStatusBarTimers, v DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded) DugisGuideViewerZ, v2.736 EquippedForager, v1.2.0 ExtraBar, v0.7.16 ExtraCD, v1.2 Farmhand, vv1.6.4 FlightMap, v5.4.0.0 GatherMate2, v1.27 HealersHaveToDie, v2.3 KlaxxiPriority, v1.0 LilSparkysWorkshop, vr155 MacroToolkit, vv5.4.0.4 Malkorok, v Mapster, v1.5.6.1-1-g1223da0 Molinari, v50400.27-Release oqueue, v1.9.5 PetBattleTeams, v3.2.5 Postal, v3.5.1 Routes, vv1.4.2 Scrap, v12.12 ScrapSpotlight, v Skada, v1.4-18 Stubby, v5.20.5464 (RidiculousRockrat) TellMeWhen, v7.0.2 TellMeWhenOptions, v Volumizer, v5.3.0-2.2 WeakAuras, vr67 XPerl, v3.7.5 XPerlArcaneBar, v XPerlParty, v XPerlPartyPet, v XPerlPlayer, v XPerlPlayerBuffs, v XPerlPlayerPet, v XPerlRaidAdmin, v XPerlRaidFrames, v XPerlRaidHelper, v XPerlRaidMonitor, v XPerlRaidPets, v XPerlTarget, v XPerlTargetTarget, v BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.4.8.50400 (ck=4f5)

Is there anything i could try to manually change in one of those WTF files ? Or has anyone else figured this out?

I just tried a wow repair install thinking it may have been a wow issue, but no dice, still broke.

Tiny i checked the area you said to check and maybe this is the issue?

I went to WTF/ account/saved vaiables folder, and its empty.

I ahve WTF/account/(bunch of numbers)#2/ empty
also WTF/account/(same bunch of numbers)#1/saved variables/

Globalcount error after charcter transfer, help please!

I just transfered my character to a new server and ever since then I been having this error. I have tried unistalling and reinstalling multipule times with no luck. ANy ideas?

Date: 2014-07-20 16:13:12
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua line 19276:
invalid order function for sorting
[C]: sort()
oqueue\oqueue.lua:19276: get_sorted_waitlist()
oqueue\oqueue.lua:19300: waitlist_invite_all()
(*temporary) = <table> {
1 = 4
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 6
5 = 5
6 = 7
7 = 1
(*temporary) = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\oqueue\oqueue.lua:7388
(*temporary) = 7
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil

Swatter, v5.20.5464 (RidiculousRockrat)
NPCScan, v5.4.8.3
NPCScanOverlay, v5.4.8.2
Ace3, v
AckisRecipeList, v2.6.2
ACP, v3.4.8
AlternateButtonTemplate, v0.7.16
AskMrRobot, v1.2.16.0
Auctionator, v3.1.5
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v5.4.15
Coordinates, v1.14
DBMCore, v
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
DugisGuideViewerZ, v2.736
EquippedForager, v1.2.0
ExtraBar, v0.7.16
ExtraCD, v1.2
Farmhand, vv1.6.4
FlightMap, v5.4.0.0
GatherMate2, v1.27
HealersHaveToDie, v2.3
KlaxxiPriority, v1.0
LilSparkysWorkshop, vr155
MacroToolkit, vv5.4.0.4
Malkorok, v
Mapster, v1.5.6.1-1-g1223da0
Molinari, v50400.27-Release
oqueue, v1.9.5
PetBattleTeams, v3.2.5
Postal, v3.5.1
Routes, vv1.4.2
Scrap, v12.12
ScrapSpotlight, v
Skada, v1.4-18
Stubby, v5.20.5464 (RidiculousRockrat)
TellMeWhen, v7.0.2
TellMeWhenOptions, v
Volumizer, v5.3.0-2.2
WeakAuras, vr67
XPerl, v3.7.5
XPerlArcaneBar, v
XPerlParty, v
XPerlPartyPet, v
XPerlPlayer, v
XPerlPlayerBuffs, v
XPerlPlayerPet, v
XPerlRaidAdmin, v
XPerlRaidFrames, v
XPerlRaidHelper, v
XPerlRaidMonitor, v
XPerlRaidPets, v
XPerlTarget, v
XPerlTargetTarget, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.4.8.50400 <us>

Btw awesome hinst i found out so much more about oque I love the "and, or not" tricks
So basically it helps your connection so, i should be hitting that everytime i log into oqueue correct?

Find mesh?

What does find mesh do? Sorry im sure it has been said a hundred times but i did a search and found nothing.
Ok well Ill be honest here I didnt delete my OQue files in WTF because i heard that removes my dragon Kill points.(and Im becoming pretty fond of them)

So i just removed the 1.8.7 folder installed 1.8.8c and bang it work perfect agian thanks!

It was verison 1.8.8 that was messed it seems you guys have quickly fixed it thanks alot!

I love your addon probably my most important addon thanks so much keep up the great work, I may have to give yah some beer money. ;)
@ ron
isnt 1.83c lower than 1.8.7?

Im not tring to be rude here but im on 1.8.7a and i am currentley having no issues at all, kinda confused on why i should downgrade if there are no issues...

Did you perhaps mean 1.8.8c?

Any updates on this issue? Do you need more info? Does anyone else have this issue?
If you need any more info or have any more ideas i will be watching this thread closely and i will help try and give u any info you require. Great addon and i want the newest features but until this bug is fixed i will be on 1.8.7a..but let me know.

If anyone else is having this issue read through my addons and if you also have some of my addons let us know so tiny can locate this bug and fix it.
Nope all that was was tried many times. Im not sure why its only 1.8.8. but yeah like i said no problems with 1.8.7.

I unistalled 1.8.8 addon and reinstalled and had same issue. I also reloaded UI many times on different toons but the problem kept coming
back... And logging in a out doesnt work either.

This is exactly how it happens.

1) I open Oque 1.8.8 it loads the "find premade" tab with "Qualified" checked.

2) I wait forever and it will not load anything..

3) Until i uncheck "qualified"

4) Then it loads all the premades up.

5) Then i check "qualified" checkmark agian and it just starts removing the premades I am not qualified for.. (thats the spaces between the premades in picture above, but i would like to add it doesnt even end up removing the right ones its all messed up)

6) Then if i scroll down the list they all pile to the top.. and this picture above is what it ends up looking like, a hot mess. lol.

P.S. I have a metric tonne of addons so maybe its a conflict i have no idea but i do know that 1.8.7a works fine.I also trippled checked and i can verify that 100% reload ui doesnt work. Also restarting wow doesnt work either it always does exact same thing as mentioned above steps 1-6.

Thanks for the atempt to help, do you need more info, or do you have any more ideas?

Here a list of my addons, for tiny to refference to be able to duplicate this error.(if its a conflict)

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