
Today my Icebox is stuck.. "Waiting for Server Response". Servers down? Also you site is moving very slow.

Listing who won, and what their prize was, would be interesting. Because I'm curious, and a tad nosey.
I have this issue as well. After reading other posts in this forum, I've concluded it is a bnet issue. Bnet can't handle the traffic load. What has worked for me is lowering my friends list. Once my friends get above 65 I start experiencing a problem. Using the bnet launcher seems to exasperate the problem, and the launcher uses bnet to communicate as well. What I've done, is NOT use the bnet launcher, and kept my friends below 60. This is a bnet traffic issue. Blizzard is aware of the issue, but will have to redesign on their end for traffic. Currently they have to many pans in the fire. Adding more servers to handle the traffic isn't the solution, it's actually the coding on their end. They're not worried about fixing it now, because when WoD launches they're implementing their own oQ type of program. So until then...
Keep your friend list below 60. Don't use bnet launcher and the problem goes away. What I find humorous is that while Blizzard realizes the importance of oQ, the Dev's use it, they underestimate how oQ keeps players connected to one another. oQ is literally the only reason many still play the game. The ablilty to find others to play with is vital to the sucess of WoW. Blizzard should be bending over backwards to fix bnet. To do anything possible to keep oQ functional. But egos are egos, and they don't want to admit their game is lacking in such a basic way. Friends, and connections are what keep people playing this silly game. Just my 2 cents.