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Keyclone License Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing issues with your Keyclone license, or a "LICENSE HAS EXPIRED" message, please try the below steps:

  1. Remove/delete all previous versions of Keyclone from your computer.
    1. Ensure that you have removed all previously downloaded Keyclone installer files from your downloads directory or other directories.
  2. Download the latest version from Solidice (
  3. Execute/run the auto unzip installer which you just downloaded (ex: keyclone_v1.9i.4.exe).
  4. Run the Keyclone executable file which was unpacked from the zip file.
  5. Click the "transfer" button and follow the prompts to transfer your license to the current system.
    1. You will be required to have access to the email account for the PayPal account that was originally used to purchase Keyclone.

If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us via one of the contact methods listed on our Contact Us page for the quickest response.