oQueue and WOD

as an FYI:

Looks like blizzard will disable the addon note that goes along with friend requests when WOD comes out. This note is required by oQueue when wait listing, getting invites, or doing find-mesh.

They tried this back in February when they disabled the notes supposedly to stop gold sellers from spamming via btag friend requests. Due to the outrage from the oQueue community, they changed it back to allow for an addon-only note. This has allowed us to continue using oQueue to this day. Since the note can only be seen by addons, it's of no use to gold sellers. So why remove it?

At this point, oQueue will stop being functional when it releases. You'll still see groups if you have a good mesh connection... but find-mesh will not get you more connections once they make the change. Even if you can see groups, you won't be able to wait list.

Obviously, this is an effort to force people into the new group finder and I see no way around it at this time.

Ugh. Maybe we could petition for them not to change it?
Probably not, since OQueue goes agains their noob inclusion policies
IDK what the problem is, what do they have to gain by forcing people to use their system? Does it matter either way? I mean we pay for the game and we pay for the subscription... as long as we are following the ToS it shouldn't make a difference. They get their money, we get to play. Is their ego that fragile?
Not too happy the in-game group finder is restricted by battlegroup, especially my battlegroup is garbage, which is one of the reasons why I was so greatful for stumbling across oQueue.
You dont pay to play what you want u pay to play what they made and you like. u dont like it u stop paying
Well I had a post and hit submit and apparently got logged out. Not retyping it but short story is... douche move.

It won't impact me hardly at all, I can get around the few things I use Oqueue for.
Wow, this really sucks.
Sorry about that Jen. I know the logins and session timeouts leave more to be desired atm.
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