New Version oQueue 1.9.5

updates include
BUGFIX: player-role picked up on spec change and reload
BUGFIX: raid subtype will change properly
BUGFIX: extra checks for valid group info
BUGFIX: when hopping from LFR to LFR, would quit group to cleanup existing oQueue data. fixed
BUGFIX: will clean up the OQ raid when alone in a group and you're not the OQ leader
BUGFIX: wasn't sending premade info to oqgeneral if only one in group
BUGFIX: waitlist response to same realm wasn't sending
BUGFIX: group member count was inaccurate when in an instance
BUGFIX: who-popped-lust fixed for pve (thx EU's Aniz-Azjol Nerub!!)
UPD: class spec text added to tooltip for in-group and waitlist items
UPD: adjusted de-listing from pending groups when invited. will now de-list appropriately (dead groups will remain until dissolved)
UPD: regular raids will now show up without subtype abbreviation