Updates include:
BUGFIX: mesh-tags will no longer be cleared on reload. remove-now should catch many more (if not all) now
BUGFIX: raid lockout issue (thx swazi!)
UPD: restricted the oq protocol check to no more then 20 msgs/sec when bnet cycles; should lower traffic
UPD: german translation modification
UPD: new hints
UPD: help, hints, and raffle info shades will pop up if not seen in 7 days (esc closes)
UPD: special case realm name for "Chants éternels" (thx obscene!)
UPD: btags will now be held once obtained (bnet could send back nil btags)
UPD: changed boss death detection (thx Xellis!)
add: 'remove now' changed to 'all', 'offline', and '5'
add: play2play raffle info shade
add: if icebox is loaded and running, some url links are clickable
add: support for icebox lookups
add: check for bnet connection before every BNSendGameData (just in case)
add: icebox integration; with icebox enabled and active, clicking group on find-premade will pop up leader's armory
add: icebox integration; with icebox enabled and active, clicking urls in oQueue windows will jump to the page