
But, we have banlists, right?

The in-game raid browser even allows for messaging between players pre-invitation. I've never been trolled on that front and I use it both ways, as a joiner and a leader.

That said if someone bothers me I can just /ignore.
@Apotheosis: I remember addressing the auto restriction to tiny a long time ago and that was fixed. When you create a raid premade, SoO is automatically selected first and Flex is selected as the difficulty.

If people are still fooling around with that they're dumb. And they are because there are still premades named Flex but showing a SoO N lockout.

That said, I think the easiest pseudo-fix from here would be to allow us to message a raid lead without having to Waitlist their group (incase you can't waitlist, like in this issue.). At least then we can /slap the raid leader for being dumb and tell him to fix his raid settings.
Okay guys look. If someone ninjaloots that's something to report to blizzard, not oqueue.

Actually that's not even something you can report to blizzard, because you shouldn't join groups that have jank loot rules such as NBG. If the loot rules aren't something remotely secure, such as Master Looter, you should ask what's going on before you continue playing with that group.

That said, OQueue has a feature for you to ban players you don't wish to play with. Once you do that, they can't waitlist your groups, and you can't see groups that they are in.
Those freezes are often associated with the desktop app. Try bypassing the launcher by going into the game folder and running WoW-64.exe.
Fractions were never my friend. Could someone translate that for us?
That's because a handful of people are running around with 1.8.8d which, for some reason, you can only get through running icebox at the moment.

Icebox's addon span

Hey there. Just gave icebox a spin and seems to be working OK.

Was just wondering if there is intent for this to update WoW addons outside of the domain of SolidICE -- e.g. updating BigWigs or Skada and the like. It feels kind of clunky to run both Curse and icebox to do what feels like the same task.
Thanks. You reply fast, relative to other devs I've worked with!

Edit: Oops. I hit quote instead of edit and can't delete. My b.
Thanks. You reply fast!

Flex premades, normal lockouts, and conflicts in between.

Hiya, just wanted to say right off the bat that I appreciate this addon you've provided for us and it works generally fantastic for me.

I need to report a small issue that has occured as of recent releases. I wouldn't call this a bug, rather this is a misinterpretation on the premade group leader's end.

I sometimes have normal SoO cleared out before I farm flex for my offspec. This obviously causes my raid lockout for normal to show as 14/14.

Some players are generating premades with "Flex" in the title, and they use the "sub type" drop down box and select "Siege of Orgrimmar," but the default raid difficulty (to the left of this box) when this is chosen is set to "10N," and they forget to change this to "Flex."

I tried to Wait List for some flex groups which accidentally have that setting in place, but I get the error message "raid lockout conflict" (Which would actually be fine to stop me if this was a normal mode raid being made, since I shouldn't go to that.).

Is there a way for you to change the default for this (in a future release) to be "No difficulty selected" instead of 10N, that way lockouts aren't accidentally checked when they shouldn't be?